Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day Eleven.

Well at this point I am totally capable of throwing whatever is in my fridge in the juicer, squeezing half a lemon on it and drinking it without gagging. I decided last night to just make enough for my breakfast and lunch today cause I am SO tired of cleaning my juicer 3+ times a day. I was running low on produce so I grabbed whatever I had left and juiced it. Pretty sure it was something along the lines of red cabbage, cauliflower, celery, spinach, kale, cucumber a pear and a quarter of a pineapple. Red cabbage is really strong in flavor when you juice it, not something I would recommend to the faint of heart. I have tried to really keep my juices as low in sugar as possible, which is hard because the fruit and sugary veggies are what level out the green taste. Even veggies like carrots and beets are super high in sugar. Granted, the sugar you are getting from fruit and veggies is obviously better than processed, I am just a stickler about things. If I am gonna drink juice for 14 days to kick start my health, I am gonna drink the healthiest juice possible which in all actuality is whatever I can concoct with as little sugar as possible. I do have to also say though, I can pretty much stomach anything. If you put it in front of me and tell me its dinner most likely I will just choke it down and I know many people aren't able to do that. ALL THAT TO SAY, if you are juicing, really do try to not live on carrots and fruit as the base of your juices. For a great list of veggies and their benefits, click here.

I have found that my energy level is not as high as it was in the beginning. I definitely feel a little low in the blood sugar department if I don't drink 4 juices a day minimum, which is hard because I am just not hungry and they fill me right up. I think I took for granted how important it is to really have 4-6 glasses and it seems to be showing yesterday and today. For the rest of this ride I am certainly going to be more deliberate in my drinking instead of waiting to feel like I want something. The issue makes me a little nervous about the Master Cleanse. I tried explaining what my plan was to my Dad and he could not wrap his head around lemon water and syrup for 10 days. He told me to just go get a colonic and be done with it which is good advice, only you don't get the full cleanse in terms of toxins from throughout your ENTIRE body being removed. I am still gonna give it a go....much to my Dads dismay.

I think I am PMSing which is a crappy place to be on a juice fast. Pretty much been grouchy and wanting pizza and ice cream all day. Also having moments of "I cannot eat right forever, what am I doing, I should just throw it all out and get a Costco hotdog immediately." I think its the hormones but it sure is a far cry from my "YES WE CAN!" post yesterday.


Being a woman is dumb. The garlic seems to have worked as I have had no symptoms since yesterday when I finished the second round. I may never look at garlic bread the same again, but it was worth it. I'm gonna go mope now.

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