Monday, January 13, 2014

The Sinful Delight of Snack Sized Trail Mix.

For the past two days I have succeed in the Paleo plan as well as humanly possible having not actually gone grocery shopping yet. Pay day is tomorrow and I am SO ready to get things that I can eat! Don't get me wrong, I have had some amazing food but it has all been some random egg or modge podge stir fry based on what I had left in the fridge from juicing, which by the way cost close to $200 for 12 days just for me. YIKES. That to say, I have used every last veggie and fruit scrap available to get me through till I can shop.
I have been sort of grumpy the past two days, which I think is partially due to wanting something other than egg scramble and stir fry surprise. This way of eating doesn't really cater to snacks unless of course you have pre-made raw energy bars or veggie chips. I have not had anything to snack on and have sat stoically, (teeth clenched, eye twitching), as my family munched everything from popcorn to truffle bread and pizza to french fries. I think this situation would make anyone a little grouchy. I didn't even have some raw almonds to sooth the need for chewing. I finally grabbed a snack sized bag of trail mix, (not the M&M kind but there were dark chocolate chips), and I felt like I was indulging in some sinful desire. A PALM SIZED SERVING OF GENERIC TRAIL MIX.
The other part of the grouchy is the fact that I have a minor (coughcough) shopping habit (addiction) and due to some budget decisions we have made I have had to trade my overwhelming desire to spend 2 hours at the Goodwill with reading a book or something. It has been really difficult. I am not sure what that says about me, other than that I need a hobby. I am not some huge spender and I don't get a high from just buying whatever. What I DO get a high from is treasure hunting. I am a treasure hunter. Look I have proof:

This basically means I can walk into a thrift store and within an hour walk out with anything awesome and or vintage that they have. Now because I am a treasure hunter I am also a collector. I love all things old and kitschy. I collect salt and pepper shakers, vintage owls (ACTUAL vintage owls not the ones from Target, and I have been doing it for like 10 years so take that trendsters), awesome mustache memorabilia, afghans, old clocks, embroidery art, Babushka dolls, vintage books and so on and so forth. This is not counting the fact that I collect old Avon bottles on behalf of my daughter, (a collection she grows to appreciate more and more each day), as well as my husbands problem with tools and Cadillac matchbox cars and my sons issue with old photos and Coke memorabilia. SO, as you can see a thrift store is a really great place for me and I haven't been there in weeks and it's making me grouchy.
Back to health and eating and stuff though, I have been going to the gym which is both good and bad. Good because it makes my heart happy, bad because I hate exercise. I have started running again which is also good and bad. Good because YAY and bad because I am starting all over. I cannot believe I was running a 10k 2 years ago, 11min mile the whole way, no issues and now I am gasping through a 12min mile and walking after that. BUT I am there, I am doing it, it's good for me, hoorah.
Working on not weighing myself or thinking to much about that other than I am eating better than I have EVER. I even figured out that a cup of coffee with a little almond milk and spoonful of raw sugar isn't as bad as I thought. Again, it's probably the same as the sinful trail mix phenomenon in that any minor amount of richness feels like German chocolate cake. Unacceptable, really. I am making raw carrot cake balls, apple nachos and a handful of other delights promptly after grocery shopping. I will let you know how that goes....I am nervous about the financial aspect of whole shopping as well as how many places I will have to go to acquire what I need. Stay tuned for that as well as recipes! I will be cooking a ton of new things this week and if they are delicious I will make sure you know how to make them!

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