Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day Six

Went to bad last night with a seriously annoying headache as well as a little bit of a loopy feeling. I was really not in a good mood the latter part of yesterday afternoon and I was hoping for a good nights sleep and a burst of new energy in the AM. I didn't get either. The good nights sleep was a stretch because I was on a couch so I should have accepted that wasn't going to happen before I thought about it, but I woke up and STILL had a headache which was disheartening. I am really trying to avoid taking something for it because I would prefer to let it work itself out. Seems sort of counterproductive to not eat food but wash down unnecessary pharmaceuticals. Also, I am pretty sure it is a sinus issue and those meds not only have pain killers but also caffeine so I am toughing it out. We headed home after breakfast and the drive did not help the headache. 2 hours in the car, sun directly ahead and an ascent to 5000ft above sea level only to come right back down just added to my misery.
I'm whining. Lets move forward.
I did decide today I need to switch up my juice atleast for a moment to feel like I was taking in something new and different. I decided to just start concoting and the end product looks really bad but tastes like a smoothie! I shall call it The Green Banana, and it makes enough for 2 servings!

The Green Banana

3 leaves Swiss chard                                            
3 leaves kale
1 lg orange
1 lg carrot
1 celery stalk

Juice above ingredients and immediately blend with 2 bananas and pour second serving in airtight jar to be refrigerated. Once you have a serving size left add ice and blend again. Pour and enjoy!

Other than that today has been uneventful. Nothing productive or life changing, no cool pictures for the blog, just a lot of bumming around trying to not feel like I just want to sleep thru the next 3 days. I keep waiting to just not want to eat but at this point I am convinced that eating is so innate in us that the desire on whatever level will never just cease, and if it does something major is going on. Forget all the cultural, social, whatever- aspects we have created about and around food, chewing is in our DNA. We are meant to eat and going so completely against such a natural instinct is rough, even though it is temporary and totally what my body needs right now. I don't want a cheeseburger or supreme pizza, I just want a spoon and an avocado or cherry tomatoes drizzled with balsamic.
I will say I am pretty stoked with myself for not caving over New Years mini vacation. I really can't believe I pushed through, so much so I feel like I ate something and just don't remember. Tomorrow is my halfway point and I am really praying for a smooth ride to the end.

PS. My mom started juicing yesterday and is so far doing well! I am so proud of her!!!

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