Monday, January 27, 2014

My BFF Kale.

If you had told me a month ago that kale would be a staple in my diet I would have made the crazy face at you. Like this:

But as it turns out, kale is awesome and not just when it's made into wanna be chips, (which I haven't actually ever had but am willing to bet are no substitute for Lays). I actually originally purchased it to make chips with, but ended up using it in my Carcass Soup and really liked it. Since then I have made sure to keep it on hand, (it is super cheap which is a huge deal), and have used it as the base of pretty much every lunch I have had for weeks. All that to say, today I want to share with you what has become my go-to lunch. It is quick, easy, delicious and really good for you.

First of all, you have to have some basic produce in the fridge. I try to buy produce that is on sale rather than what I would prefer because living and eating in California is a huge expense. However, carrots, onions, apples, oranges, cucumbers and now kale are always things because I know if all else fails my kids will eat something in that list. So other than those few staples I buy whatever is being promoted by the store. Recently I have had sugar snap peas, baby eggplant, brussels and cauliflower. You also need a clean soy sauce of your choice or if you want to use meat fat or butter to cook it in the soy sauce may not be needed. I prefer a little bacon grease as a stick repellant for the pan as well as flavor in the food. (I think saving bacon grease may be a southern thing, so if you are unfamiliar with this concept, basically all you do is when you cook bacon, pour the grease in a metal container and throw it in the fridge. When you are cooking veggies or whatever later, instead of using oil or butter use bacon grease.) So without further ado, here is my super formal and complicated lunch recipe:

Veggie Pan Mess

Handful or two of whatever vegetables you have
1.5-ish TSP butter, ghee, meat fat, oil (whatever you choose)
Leftover meat (or not)
Egg (or not)
Soy sauce/spices of your choice

Chop up veggies and meat
Throw in with melted fat/oil/ghee
Cook till veggies are soft but not mushy
Top with fried egg if desired
OR top with nut of choice, raisins or cranberries


If I don't use cranberries or whatever I will sometimes couple this with a piece of fruit. I seriously have had this everyday for lunch, and sometimes dinner for more than 2 weeks. The coolest part is it always tastes a little different depending on what grease you use and what veggies you have on hand.

ALSO, I finally got to the top of Iron Mountain yesterday! Third time is a charm! I even had the pleasure of hiking up with this awesome chick I met recently. I wish I had met her 2 years ago when we first planted ourselves here, but I will take and be happy with what I get. It was a pretty legit hike, about 3miles up and then back down, with some momentarily rough terrain. I was super proud of us for not dying AND getting out of bed this morning. I really enjoyed being outside and I certainly wouldn't mind spending more time on things like hiking.

I have no clue why I look ripped in this picture, it is completely misrepresenting reality.
 Today is the first day of spring semester for me and I am gonna be really busy, taking mostly all classes I don't want to take. I am sitting here as we speak with fresh blue dye in my hair, (foiled  cause I am awesome like that), thinking about how much I don't want to go get in the shower and get on with the day. I am so comfy in my routine right now, I feel so good, I am eating well and doing all the right things and I worry the moment my feet hit campus I am gonna rush to the bookstore and start eating Doritos and being sedentary. It is ridiculous, I know. Anyhow, I do actually have to get to the business of being grown, so I wish you all a happy Monday! 

PS. God is good ALL THE TIME!

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