Friday, January 3, 2014

HALFWAY!!!! (AKA Day Seven)


HALFWAY!!! HALFWAY!!! Woke up this morning feeling well rested and ready to go, pretty excited to be halfway there and 7 days closer to EATING! I did some research last night and decided I want to try less fruit in my drinks for the second half. I don't feel like I am breaking the 80/20, (80%veg 20%fruit per drink) rule but I think at this point I can handle a little more of mowed lawn flavor than in the beginning.This morning I had a huge portion of greens with only one apple and half a lemon squeezed in and it was less than desirable but drinkable. I am also going to try and buy different produce than I did for the first half. I have enough to last me a day or two more but when I hit the market I want to get a new spread of color and flavor. 
I have also been rooting around on different sites trying to find vegan and whole food recipes for once I am eating again. There are a ton of what seem to be really great ones out there and I am really excited to try them. I haven't wanted to or enjoyed cooking for about 2 years now so to feel excited about meal preparation feels really good. I am hoping to slowly but surely incorporate the good stuff into my families diet so that they are eventually eating whole foods more often than not. I am trying not to have unrealistic expectations considering the reality of life and the fact that my husband is at this point, a lost cause. (He actually bought SPAM because he wanted it). I do think it is totally possible to make enough little changes that the result will be big. Baby steps is where it's at. If you would like to check out the Paleo/vegan style meals I am looking forward to making check out my Pinterest board!
In light of reaching my halfway point I decided to watch Food Matters as a motivation boost for the remainder of this reboot. SO terrifying to come to terms with the facts about modern medicine and malnutrition. We are so blinded by the people we trust, (DRs) that we honestly cannot imagine that organic and raw foods could literally cure disease. Diseases like CANCER, which is currently treated with cancer causing drugs. If you have not watched this I highly recommend it. I am stoked for my dinner tonight and even more stoked about changing the lives of myself and my family for the long term. WE DON'T HAVE TO HAVE CANCER, HEART DISEASE or CARDIOVASCULAR ILLNESSES. This planet was MEANT and CREATED to sustain us, it is our own chemical modification and creation of foods that is killing is. Ignorance is bliss but it is also killing us.

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