Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day Eight.

I went out as DD last night for some friends, which was fine, I have no issue not drinking alcohol its not my thing. However their drunken munchies landed us at Denny's around 1am and I sat and drank crappy Lipton orange spice tea (all they had), whilst they chowed down on club sandwiches, fries and nachos. They felt really bad about eating in front of me, but I was fine and they DEFINITELY needed carbs in their tummies. I did add some honey to my tea which was not raw but the tea was so bad I hadn't a choice.
Felt great this morning, well rested and energetic. We are having last minute guests today so I ran out for dinner groceries (more tri-tip). It was also time to restock my produce and I was super stoked to find some different fruits on sale at the store! I got kiwi, blackberry, honeydew melon, pear, mango and pineapple- all different than what I have been juicing. I stuck with kale, spinach, cucumber and celery for my greens since I have adjusted to their taste. I also juice the beet root greens which I am not sure taste too much like anything. Oh- and I got red cabbage and cauliflower which I am curious about.
I have to be honest here, I am really bad about washing produce. At most I generally dash it under the sink stream and move on. I know I know, it's disgusting, but like many other things concerning my health I have just been so lazy. I am a very black and white sort of gal. If you cant do 100% don't even bother is sort of how I function in certain areas. For instance, if you can't eat all organic all the time then what is the point of rinsing off the apple you are eating. You don't have to tell me how ridiculous that is, I know. I think it is how I justify my laziness. BUT NOT TODAY! Today I decided that if I am going to work hard at my health I cannot ignore the fact that properly cleaning produce especially if it isn't organic (which I cannot always afford), is uber importante. (Check out my sweet linguistics skills). SO as I do for any question which needs an answer I consulted Dr.Google and found that an adequate produce wash consists of 2 parts water 1 part white vinegar. It took me about 20 minutes, but I soaked and rinsed everything I bought and this was the result:

SO GROSS. You can't see it in the image but the bottom of the glass was coated in dirt and silt. Normally I would have ingested all that. Talk about toxins. I am generally of the opinion that "God made dirt and dirt don't hurt", but considering the amount of feces and chemicals in fertilizer these days I understand that dirt actually can hurt and I will never not wash my produce in this concoction again. Now, lets all forget that I have been practically drinking a glass of this everyday for God knows how long and move forward. (No judgement). 
I also have had some issue with the poop. The poop has not been all that I hoped it would be and I was again, googling, and found an idea from the Master Cleanse diet which included drinking 32oz of salt water and lying on your side for 30min. I got about 4 good gulps down before I thought I might vomit and decided I would rather not poop. I understand all the fiber info involved in juicing and how the juice is absorbed directly in the body but I am hard pressed to think that my GI tract has been so well functioning for the past few years that there is no build up. My stomach has just felt gurgley, like I need to use the bathroom but there isn't anything there. Enough about my bowels, I have now made it through lunch at Chic-fil-A and tri-tip with fried potatoes and corn.

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