Thursday, January 9, 2014

Nina Simone, Avocado Angels and Blue Haired Zumba.

 So eating is AWESOME. Especially because after my juicing fruits and veggies are more delicious than ever. I have no desire to have anything that I know is icky for me. EXCEPT Starbucks, which I partook in today. However, you have to realize that before the juicing I literally had a Venti of whatever mocha latte syrup dolce whip sugar probably twice a week if not more, on top of whatever coffee I had at home with chemical creamer. I know I know I know- everything about that is terrible for both my health and my bank account. I don't even drink caffeine so everything I have is decaf which seems idiotic to those of you who need the caffeine but I just really enjoy the taste of creamer with a bit of coffee. So today I googled (SURPRISE!), the most Paleo version of Starbucks I could get which was nothing I wanted but I did learn that the mocha flavoring they use is the only flavor that is not in syrup form but comes from a cocoa packet which has way less additives. I also read whole milk or heavy whip cream was the way to go if I had to have it. I got a tall (which is SO tiny I used to believe only children and Santas elves would want it), and it was really good. Before I would have needed like 4 sugar packets but today it was perfectly sweet enough and the tall was a perfect serving. I really enjoyed it until about 30min afterwards when I thought my guts were gonna explode. Pretty sure it was the caffeine/milk combo disagreeing with me. I didn't get decaf because apparently the decaffeinating process involves icky chemicals. Learning this was super sad because my anxiety issues do not mix well with caffeine so I won't be having nearly as much coffee.
Other than that I have been eating all produce, some cooked some not and eggs. I ate chicken, (a very small portion), tonight and my tummy seems to be okay with it. I will say though, cooking it wasn't super appetizing and it took a few bites for me to appreciate it. Not the case with the veggies! I have never enjoyed lightly cooked veggies with a little salt and pepper so much in my life. And OH avocado! Lord have mercy those things are straight from the heavens.

So I decided that Paleo is gonna be the way I go. I cannot get down with the no meat thing. I get it if you have animal cruelty issues, but there is so much info on the benefits of eating meat, provided it is grass fed and what not. (NOTE: I am totally against animal cruelty, however I don't think raising farm animals in a HEALTHY environment in order to eat them is cruel. I don't think chickens have feelings and a family that will miss them when they are gone.) I am much more worried about the grain/gluten thing than meat. I have been researching like a fiend trying to find recipes that are kid friendly. My daughter will be an easier sell than my son. She is super carnivorous and LOVES raw veggies. My son pretty much likes pizza and cheeseburgers. I have always been good about "You eat it or you are hungry", particularly at dinner time because I swore I would never be the mom that made Kraft dinner because her kids wouldn't eat what she cooked. That to say, they are accustomed to eat it or starve and I think we will be okay. Stellar parenting skills I know.
I also ventured back to the gym today since I had energy. I took a Zumba class I hadn't taken before because normally at 10am I am in school. I will call it, "Blue Hair Zumba" in acknowledgement of the fact that myself and maybe 5 other people were under 60. I wish I had had a GoPro on my head because it was pretty epic. The instructor was older too and not as rhythmic as most of them so that was awesome. Also, the woman in front of me who I ended up talking to after class was 62 and had a better body than I do. She probably could have out-Zumbad me as well. I asked her what her secret was and she told me "Never stop moving and eat what they tell you to eat", which I found out was mostly fruit and veggies coupled with Wheaties and soy milk. Her husband eats Cheerios for cholesterol but she doesn't like them, plus Wheaties have less additives. The funny thing is that soy is horrible for you, as is wheat, and this woman is healthy as a horse. Just goes to show that no one way of eating has all the answers for every person. My Nanny lived to be almost a zillion and all she ate was meat cooked in lard, veggies cooked in bacon fat and sweet tea. She also smoked like a chimney for 20 years and never exercised. Why did she live so long but Joe down the street is dying of cancer at 40? There is no answer to this question people!! The key is to do your research, figure out what makes sense to you and what works for your body and then live it out while INFORMING others but not shoving it down throats.
Off my soapbox I go!

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