Most of this blog is really just for me to post the photos I took during my trip because I got some really amazing ones, but I will give a quick update for those interested. I had a 2 week virus turned sinus infection that really knocked me on my butt, so exercise has pretty much been out of the question. Eating well has continued to go smoothly, although I did have some questionable meals on my vacation which had me in the bathroom for 3 days afterwords. That could also have been partially due to antibiotics but either way, pizza is not worth the mess created in my intestines at this point. I am also officially OFF MEDS! Only 3 days so far, but I am still on a just over 2 month NO PANIC ATTACK streak which is beyond amazing. I cannot even describe how amazing. I have had a few moments, mostly associated with being sick, but I handled them without medication and without it being a whole day ordeal. The lifestyle changes are NO DOUBT where credit is due and I couldn't be more pleased! Other than that school is bonkers, much more busy work than last semester, on top of the fact that Jesiah is in a major production and has dress rehersals for the next week straight followed by 6 performances, all of which I have to attend because I am in charge of makeup for all 120 kids. AND my inlaws will be here next week which I am super stoked about however my baseboards are grimey and laundry never stops and dust is everywhere and I have no time to think about or deal with any of it. Wishing for magical baseboard cleaning fairies to arrive. I think they're called maids and will do a great job at a semi reasonable price.
Okay so here are the photos. Some are from the drive and then an assortment are from the botanical gardens in Tucson which has a butterfly exhibit. Butterflies are some of my most favorite little things and it was beyond enchanting to spend over an hour searching for them and watching them surrounded by beautiful plants. As I have said before, nature and its constant creating of the most beautiful things that exist really move me AND I really love taking pictures, so when I get to combine the two I am pretty much in heaven. ENJOY!
So these cactus plants are called Saguaro and only grow in the Sonoran Desert which is located in southern AZ and northern Mexico. There are SO cool and HUGE. They can live to be 150-200 years old and the largest ones are about that. The more arms the older they are. I was totally enthralled by these things. In some areas they went on for miles like a cactus forest- SO COOL!
As I got to the end of the desert and nearer to the city the moon was ENORMOUS. I felt like I could reach out and grab it.
Here come the butterflies!
The last of the photos will be of this completely random motel I found after stopping for gas in the middle of nowhere. It is a Best Western Space Age Lodge built in 1968. There is a restaurant which burned in 1998 so it had been redone but the signage and other aspects are original. It was so random and wonderful I had to stop for photos. There are a few other sign type pics from that some little town, population 1700, as well as the giant solar wind maker things in the mountains that make me feel like I live on mars.
If any of you know a big boss man at Nat Geo and wanna drop my name as a potential freelance nature photographer accepting free trips to Africa and what not, lemme know. ;)
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