Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Six Days Med Free- The Struggle is Real

First things first, it is Eating Disorder Awareness Week so if you are someone who struggles or has struggled with an eating disorder, from over eating to under eating and everything in between, please take a moment to evaluate where you are concerning those things and PLEASE reach out for help if you need it! For those of you who don’t struggle, it is highly likely that someone around you does so take the time to observe and reach out to those who you feel like may need help or even to just extend a compliment to someone who looks like they need it. Eating disorders only exist because of our cultures unrealistic and unreachable beauty standards. PLEASE keep that fact knocking around in your brain as you watch TV, see advertisements, etc. Be an advocate for working towards change and growth on the INSIDE not struggle and shrinking on the outside. Go here for more info.

Moving on from that, I am 6 days fully off medicine and I don’t feel so hot. I have had what I can only assume are withdrawal symptoms because I am not otherwise ill. My head has bothered me on and off, I have felt dizzy and a little out of it. I am also struggling with learning what it means to deal with “regular” emotions. For most of my life I have been regulated by medicine. Things both little and big really did not make me feel anything, I just figured out how to deal with the issue rather than having to deal with feeling the issue.

This weekend my kids were REALLY on it. By on it I mean they were bickering constantly and not listening to me and whining and all the other things kids do on a regular basis that generally have had little to no effect on my mood. Not so yesterday. I really thought I was going to cry and then have to pick up my exploded head off the kitchen floor at one point. I was so exhausted with telling them to stop it or don’t or asking why they couldn’t just >fill in blank<. It really upset me and that is not something I am accustomed to dealing with. I am so hyper aware of my emotions right now too because I am trying to make sure that I am regulating them in a “normal” manner, but the truth is that I really don’t know what that means. I had to ask a friend if my feeling like I needed to cry and scream was okay or if something was wrong with me.

It makes me so sad to think that at 31 years old I am really terrible behind on the emotional understanding learning curve. I have been told or assumed for so long that emotions are bad and too much of them are even worse that I just genuinely don’t know how to be okay with feeling. I am going to get myself into counseling so I can hash all of this out once this week (which is really stressing me out because I feel like I have SO much going on I don’t have time to breath- another thing I am not accustomed to feeling), is over.

I jokingly told my mom that being off meds has helped me understand why people do drugs. Life and feelings are hard, which makes weed and wine seem like not such a bad idea. Obviously I have no plans to switch from pharmaceuticals to wine in order to cope but I certainly understand the appeal right now. I have never understood addiction because I have never needed coping tools outside of my legal drugs, but even 5 days out of the med loop I can say that I should not be so judgey towards people get caught in a cycle of substance abuse as a way to deal with life. I know that is technically what I have been doing for 15 years but no one calls that addiction we just call that normal.

The bottom line is that I have signed up for a war. It may only be against myself but I actually think that may be the worst kind. At least when you are against someone you know your enemy and can run or hide or chose to fight. When you are fighting against yourself there just isn’t anywhere to go. I fully realize, as I have a few days into quitting meds every time I have tried, that I am SO incapable of doing this on my own. The ONLY hope I have is in a God who I believe is with me and keeps his promises.

Clearly I am not fit to handle life all by myself. I am incapable of joy and peace as well as management of reality at the same time. I am in a place right now where I believe God would have all of us be all the time, and that is a place of complete dependence on Him. I wake up knowing the day will not be well if He isn’t fully in it with me. I know I will lose my grip on any chance at peace and joy if I for one moment assume those things will occur in my life by my own works. I am completely dependent and it is hard.

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