Sunday, February 9, 2014

Photo Graphy- Seal Beach.

I am working at getting over the sick and needed desperately to get out of my house, as did my kiddos. So this lovely Sunday afternoon we left my lazy, worked for the past month straight hubby home to sleep on the couch and watch car television and went to La Jolla Cove. As unthrilled as I have been living in San Diego for the past two years, I have to admit that there are some real gems to be found around here and one of them is the beach in La Jolla. La Jolla is mostly lots of rich people and the stores that sell only stuff they can afford, but man is it ever beautiful. The water is clearer than many other parts of the Pacific down here, the sand is nice and there isn't a huge seaweed wash up which also tends to be common at other beaches I have been to.

The kids and I had never been to Seal Beach- named so because of the 50+ seals that call the little cove their home and roam freely amongst the tourists and local beach goers. I had read that the city was going to fence off the cove because stupid, ignorant, childish people were harassing the seals and really stressing them out. I was expecting the whole area to be fenced off but it wasn't! You could literally walk right down onto the rocks and come within petting distance of the really barky and really stinky seals!!

Siah was about one rock level away from the closest seal.

Presley preferred to keep her distance.

After we hung out with the loud, blubbery, brown balls of barking stink we went down to the actual beach where the kids explored tide pools, collected sea shells and got into the ocean because children are unmoved by icy cold oceanic temperatures. There was a lot of cool marine life to look at!

Right after this shot Presley dropped the bag of goldfish and a feeding frenzy ensued. MINEMINEMINE!

I found the oceans version of an alien. Yikes.

Lets do that NEVER!

Let your feet hit the sand.

More people who need mental evaluation.

"I'm a loner dotty, a rebel."
It was a wonderful afternoon. I always tell people I don't care for the beach but the reality is that every time I am there I feel better when I leave. I love looking at the ocean and all the miraculous life God created in it. I love watching my kids splash and play and run from waves and race to show me the pretty shell they found. So if you ask me if I like going to the beach and I make some comment about not swimming in large bodies of water because that is a sharks house and if a shark walked in my house I would not hesitate to kill it, therefor I understand the concept of territory, you can know that although I don't put my bathing suit on and play in other "peoples" houses, I sure don't mind sitting on their front lawn admiring their landscaping.  The ocean reminds me how little I am, and how big and creative God is, which for some may be intimidating but it calms me down. It gives me peace and reminds me I don't have to accomplish everything, I wasn't created to. Life is so much bigger than my day to day and of you don't stop to see the seals or ocean aliens or MINEMINEMINE birds, you aren't really living.

I really love this song, REALLY love it. Give a listen.

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