Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Day Four

We are celebrating New Years with good friends so I had to pack up my juicer and produce for a bit of a road trip. I didn't think it would be any harder being here than at home since everyone at home is eating....I was wrong. First of all- I am a huge Starbucks fiend and not having that has probably been harder than not having food especially to start off a mini road trip properly. When we got here I juiced lunch straight away but it didn't curb my desire for the jalapeƱo Cheetos being munched on. Pretty much wanted to eat all afternoon and no matter how hard I tried my mind kept wondering back to Starbucks and anything crunchy out of a bag. Fast forward to dinner time....
I took photos of the delicious grilled brauts, macaroni salad and cornucopia of chip flavors but I'm doing this from my phone and it won't let me upload them- all for the better because I was so ready to grab up a sausage and eat it in the bathroom. The only problem would have been that no one would care except me and I can't keep a secret from myself. Wanwanwan. So I drank some sweet potato, carrot, apple, pepper, beet juice. I let my friend have some and she didn't make it past a sip. There were also cupcakes. So many cupcakes. I just keep making tea. I don't even like tea. I didn't think my hardest day would be day 4- maybe it's the fact that we aren't home and eating is such a social behavior. I'm working on teaching myself that food is for living but we shouldn't live for food. Our culture has such a backwards way of thinking about eating and I have gladly taken part in it my whole life which makes change SO difficult. I see the social eating and eating out of boredom in my kids already and they are still young enough to readapt without something as drastic as this. It pains me to watch my kids eat chicken nuggets and chips while I drink pure nutrients and I am so ready to reteach them good habits. Once the fast is over I fully plan on predominantly clean  eating- minimal processed foods, minimal gluten and I know my kids will fight tooth and nail but if there is anyone I want full health and wholeness for it's them.
Until then I will just have to keep sipping. It can only get easier, right?

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